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Elena Herrada


Running for Detroit School Board - At Large

Dear readers:

I am a candidate for Detroit Public Schools Community District. It is a longshot as the District took the unusual step of moving from District voting to At Large voting while the City of Detroit went from At Large voting to District voting. The boundaries are exactly the same.

No Latin@ has ever won a city wide race in Detroit. That was the impetus for changing the Detroit City Council from At Large to District, bringing the first ever Latin@ to the Detroit City Council representing District 6, Southwest Detroit.

I served on the DPS Board for two terms as a District representative under the notoriously racist and cruel Emergency Manager laws. The law that caused Flint to be poisoned. The law that allowed a contrived bankruptcy to be used to deny City of Detroit retirees their hard earned pensions, the law that took our beloved Belle Isle and handed it off to billionaire Roger Penske.

As a school board candidate, I have only a few issues, since the District is nearly broke and Covid 19 has hit Detroit so hard we can't return to "normal" any time soon. We should not be in school. There should be no one in these buildings until we know it's safe. If we lose a year of school, we can catch up. We can't get lives back. We have lost so many already. The Latin@ community has been battered by Covid 19. Several people to a household, lead by essential workers and often having no health care or ability to avoid work has made our people so vulnerable. We have many families without internet connection or tablets. I hear from them.

Dan Gilbert, the insatiable billionaire recently acquired Southwestern High School from his buddy Mike Duggan, the mayor of Detroit. Southwestern High School was renovated beautifully with bond money. Emergency managers former Governor Snyder) shut it down, leaving us holding the bag for the bond money through 2052. It's rumored Gilbert wants to put an Amazon warehouse there.

The issues i am raising are these: Internet for every house in Detroit.

Return to District Voting. At Large disenfranchises our community, as i have proven by getting elected twice as a District candidate with 4,000 votes and losing at large with over 14,000 votes when District was replaced by At Large.

I will fight for everyone who needs advocacy in DPSCD.

We have to act like we are free to govern. The Emergency Manager is gone.

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